Richard Kolano, PE, INCE Board Certified
Richard A. Kolano is a Principal Consultant, entrepreneur, and co-founder of K&S Engineers, LLC with over 40 years of experience providing measurements, analysis, and design services in architectural acoustics, building noise, and environmental sound issues. He works on high performance sound isolation, HVAC and mechanical equipment noise and vibration control, and environmental noise studies. His specialties include large and small room interior acoustics and sound reinforcement system design for music listening rooms, performing arts auditoria, lecture halls and music practice facilities. He also has extensive experience in designing and qualifying acoustical testing facilities. Mr. Kolano is a licensed professional engineer, is Board Certified in Noise Control Engineering by the Institute of Noise Control Engineering-USA, and has been qualified as an acoustics expert at both the state and federal levels of the judicial system. He frequently assists local municipalities in developing noise ordinances, in measuring compliance to those standards, and in predicting the impact of new facilities and equipment on adjacent properties.